Make up one’s mind, make up one’s mind.
Liu Qingshan, his body entered a dense and dreamy state, and thick and powerful sword breath kept pouring into his body, and then differentiated and merged again.
Until that a castle peak sword changed for a long time after the body around the green light slowly faded.
For a long time, Liu Qingshan opened and closed his eyes for a long time, and generate came out of his eyes
Complex and unfathomable
And his ferocity is also rising.
"Move the mountain sword!" He read four words gently, and then a violent breath suddenly exploded, forming a mushroom cloud around him.
It was a huge airflow that enveloped him around and dispersed around him
Caused a wave
Not only that, but that powerful sword has also gone up into the sky and turned into a sword like a castle peak, and it has also been moved away in an instant
If the coping potential of Mount Tai reappears in the middle of the mountain.
Disappear again
"After I became Liu Qingshan, I changed my name to move mountains? Haha! " Liu Qingshan smiled smugly.
Ascend to heaven once in a while.
He is no longer a junior wusheng Lu Qingshan, but an intermediate wusheng Qingshan sword bottleneck, which he broke through at the moment.
there’s no making without breaking
Even his whole soul has been sublimated, and he doesn’t belong to the same level as before.
You know, guanyu is different from all the previous budo realms.
During the martial arts period, the muscles and qi and blood were refined. In the martial arts, the military commanders opened the meridians, while Wu Zong refined the bones.
However, the warrior is extraordinary from the inside out, and there is no need to refine itself to get strong power.
Wu Shengyi, this is an artistic conception.
A new level that ordinary people can’t imagine
Why did Yang Guangfa’s krypton gold break through the realm of martial arts? It was because he had passed the primary stage and refined his body, but it was a sublimation of artistic conception to sublimate himself.
If it is an ancient repair, there may be powerful fighters who can consult and ponder their own artistic conception.
Taking the essence to discard the dross also reduces the detour process, but these fighters of the new era can cross the river by feeling the stones and look at some scraps of experience to figure out for themselves.
Now Liu Qingshan finally broke through himself and broke that boundary, which made the intermediate guanyu even his heart broken. After that, he actually felt that he was not far away from the senior guanyu.
Liu Qingshan broke through the artistic conception and budo realm, a kind of dynamic and static field. Who is not white?
Even if you are separated by tens of kilometers, you can feel the danger of suffocation.
Especially, Wu Zong, the only one in the Pachi island who was going to die, almost died, but at this key, a powerful sword instantly struck the count of the blood clan.
Blood clan should be killed!
He killed the former Liu Qingshan, which is a little different.
Not only that, but one by one, the powerful sword differentiated and attacked the count of his blood clan.
A lot of this situation comes from the fact that Wu Zong of China is both happy and worried.
I’m glad that Lord Bai Huaguo’s warrior has broken through again, which is a blessing for China, but if you kill a large number of blood clan earl, you will definitely be sent to the powerful blood clan duke by Li Li.
What shall we do then?
They are worried that it is unnecessary because Liu Qingshan moved the mountain sword, which means that it hit all the blood clan earl in an instant, but it didn’t kill them for the first time.
The sound of "taking them" has also reached the ears of many since this moment.
Is there any possibility of capsizing in the gutter in the face of the battered count of the blood clan?
Nature is impossible.
The sword not only instantly hit the more than 50 blood clan earl, but also kept their body turning, and the power continued to attack them, and they had no resistance at all.
It’s just that all the questions have been taken. You know, the blood of the count of blood clan or his things are extremely important cultivation resources for fighters
This is a powerful wealth endowed by the blood clan.